Annual Meeting

West Carteret Water Corporation would like to thank all of our members who attended the annual meeting on Thursday, May 9, 2024. We always enjoy seeing our customers gather together for a night filled with fun, prizes, and food.  This year's 50/50 raffle was held to raise funds for Carteret County BackPack Friends. We certainly have the best members around! 

Our attorney, Melissa Berryman, and our auditor, Robert Bittner, were in attendance and presented important business information.  It is always a privilege to have them present to answer any financial and legal questions regarding our company.  Sheila Moore, President of West Carteret Water Corporation, also presented an update about importance of our product and the community that we serve.  Thank you to all who presented on behalf of our corporation!

Lastly, we would like to congratulate our dedicated employees and distinguished board members who received ten-year, fifteen-year, and thirty five-year milestone plaques.  Our company is successful because of the service of these fine individuals.  As we welcomed new employees to the water industry, it was clear that West Carteret Water Corporation was more than just a business: we are a family.  Thank you for being a part of our family!