Welcome to the Official Website of West Carteret Water Corporation
Warm Weather
During these nice Spring days, we are going to be tempted to start watering our lawns and gardens. Watering can increase your water bill significantly and conservation is important. Here are some helpful hints to conserve water:
- Water only when needed. Look at the grass, feel the soil, or use a soil moisture meter to determine when to water.
- Do not over-water. Soil can hold only so much moisture, and the rest simply runs off. A timer will help, and either a kitchen timer or an alarm clock will do. Apply only enough water to fill the plant’s root zone. Excess water beyond that is wasted.
- Water lawns early in the morning during the hotter summer months. Otherwise, much of the water used on the lawn can simply evaporate between the sprinkler and the grass.
- To avoid excessive evaporation, use a sprinkler that produces large drops of water, rather than a fine mist.
- Set automatic sprinkler systems to provide thorough, but infrequent watering. Rain shut-off devices can prevent watering in the rain.
- Water slowly for better absorption, and never water on a windy day.
- We're more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don't forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers, and hoses for leaks.
For additional tips and information, please check out our 2023 Water Quality Report.
Bill Payment Options & Information
Step by Step Guide for Online Registration
In addition to mailing or visiting our office to make a payment, WCWC now offers 2 different online bill pay options.
Important News
New Office Hours beginning
January 1, 2025
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Tuesday, April 29th
Western Park Community Building
at 7 pm.
Doors open at 6 pm for registration.
The Notice of Annual Meeting will be included
in next month’s billing.