March 30, 2020 Update
March 30, 2020
March 30 Week: Our office lobby will remain closed until further notice.
We encourage new account set-ups, closures, and all other business be handled by contacting us via phone at 252-393-1515 or email at (WCWC now has an on-line application at Our phones will be operated Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. If you feel you MUST visit our office, you can speak with staff at our drive-thru window between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.
We appreciate you remitting your water payments by phone, mail, or on-line at If you cannot make your payment by the due date or if you already have a past due balance, do not worry. However, please contact us so we can record a payment arrangement.
New service installations and face-to-face customer service calls will be limited and subject to my approval. When possible, I will handle those personally, but our goal will be to work remotely. Many questions that you have regarding usage can be answered and handled using our electronic meter reading system.
Thank you in advance for understanding these temporary changes in operational procedures. We take seriously the health of our member-users. We also value the responsibility of helping to ensure that we remain the water utility you expect us to be during this critical time. Part of that responsibility is to safeguard the health of not only our staff, but their families.
We are working in a time where the only thing that is certain is 'uncertainty'. Therefore, we appreciate you partnering with us as we work together, along with all public water utilities, to be able to remain a vital resource for assisting during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Follow proper, frequent hand washing techniques. Be safe during this time and do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything. After hours, I can be reached at 252-241-0116.