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West Carteret Water Corporation has a leak within the system. All management and field staff have been visually inspecting water mains since 8 p.m. Thursday night with no obvious problems. We remain on visual inspection and NC Rural Water Association has arrived with leak detection equipment. We hope to resolve this as quickly as possible, but we need your assistance in a few matters.

PLEASE CONSERVE WATER! Based on plant/SCADA readings and valving exercises throughout the system, it appears the greatest loss is in the Highway 58 corridor. The Highway 58 tank is completely drained. Residents should only notice a slight decrease in pressure because our plant is running constantly. However, it is challenging to keep the Hwy 24 tanks filled. Rain appears to be on the forecast. That will make our goal more difficult because of standing water, but it will allow members to decrease irrigated usage. Everyone is requested to conserve water until this is repaired, but IF YOU HAVE AN IRRIGATION SYSTEM THAT IS CONNECTED TO WCWC, PLEASE TURN IT OFF. Meters that continue to serve irrigation will be turned off by staff during this time.

SIGN UP FOR ALERTS TO PREPARE FOR REPAIR OUTAGE OR LIKE US ON FACEBOOK TO RECEIVE NOTIFICATIONS VIA SOCIAL MEDIA! Once the leak is located, if it is a water main and not a large water service, the repair will involve a complete water interruption for that area. (If you have not signed up for ALERTS, please visit our webpage at www.wcwc.biz and do so to receive texted or emailed messages.) Repairs are sanitized before placed back into service. However, it is protocol to recommend that all members boil their water vigorously for one minute before using it for consumption, pending test results. Those generally take 24-48 hours.

Thank you in advance for helping us help the entire membership stay in service! If you see anything at all suspicious, please report it to the office at (252) 393-1515, (252) 241-0116 (me), or our System Manager, Bryan Wilson (252) 241-9383.

Lisa Smith-Perri, GM/ED