June 6, 2020 - 2 p.m. Leak Found - Conservation Continues:
June 06, 2020
It appears that we have located and isolated a leak. Through trial and error, we cut off a parallel water main near Pettiford Creek. Upon doing so, the Highway 24 tanks began to fill, albeit slowly. This section of original water main only serves one commercial customer and that member has been contacted. We will reroute the service and leave this section of water main off, while continuing to monitor our storage very closely for the next 2 days to ensure that this is the only leak on the system.
You will likely experience lower pressure in the western section of the system until everything is stabilized again. Unfortunately, it will take about 12 hours for us to see an increase in volume in Tank No. 3 on Highway 58 since it is now empty. Therefore, we are asking that you continue to conserve water outside and only use when necessary.
How can we express our appreciate to the members that have called with leads? We appreciate each of you. In addition, we THANK the Cape Carteret Police Department along with Western Fire EMS, specifically Chief Hunter for assisting with locating the leak, and Capt. Pelkey for his assistance with notifications.
If you continue to experience issues with pressure, it is important to call us.
GM/ED - 252-241-0116
Sys Mgr - 252-241-9383
Plant - 252-393-6465